The Pulse is a full-service, media for hire video marketing company specializing in producing interview style stories through video. Learn hot tips on how to elevate your brand and promote your business through the web, television, social media, and much more. Cindy will present the latest tips on how to create the ultimate buzz around your brand.
Digital Marketing in 2025:
-Leveraging the power of video and social media to elevate your brand!
-The importance of using video to build your brand and engage with potential customers
-Learn Social Media tips and tricks for brand consistency, content strategy, and social media growth
-Learn how to optimize your online presence!
Need a refresh on your professional head shots? We have you covered! John from John Schnack Photography will be providing up to 2 head shot poses for each attendee. Dress polished and ready to pose!
Breakfast bar provided by TOAST Catering.
Event schedule:
9am - 9:45am - Registration, breakfast bar & head shots
9:45-10:45am - presentation & brand tips
10:45-11:30am - Head shots open & mini brand consulting with Cindy